The current page is shown because the Blocklayout Template Engine failed to render the page, however this could be due to a problem not in BL itself but in the template. BL has raised or has left uncaught the following exception:

Database Query Error

Description: ErrorNo: 1030, Message:Database error while executing: 'SELECT inst.xar_id as bid,
btypes.xar_type as type,
btypes.xar_module as module,
inst.xar_name as name,
inst.xar_title as title,
inst.xar_content as content,
inst.xar_last_update as last_update,
inst.xar_state as state,
group_inst.xar_position as position,
bgroups.xar_id AS bgid,
bgroups.xar_name AS group_name,
bgroups.xar_template AS group_bl_template,
inst.xar_template AS inst_bl_template,
group_inst.xar_template AS group_inst_bl_template
FROM xar_block_group_instances group_inst
LEFT JOIN xar_block_groups bgroups
ON group_inst.xar_group_id = bgroups.xar_id
LEFT JOIN xar_block_instances inst
ON inst.xar_id = group_inst.xar_instance_id
LEFT JOIN xar_block_types btypes
ON btypes.xar_id = inst.xar_type_id
WHERE bgroups.xar_name = 'header'
AND inst.xar_state > 0
ORDER BY group_inst.xar_position ASC'; error description is: 'Got error 24 "Too many open files" from storage engine MyISAM'.

Explanation: A database query could not be executed, either because the query could not be understood or because it returned unexpected results.

Product: App - Core

Component: BlockLayout

The following exception is instead the exception caught from the main catch clause (Please note that they could be the same if they were raised inside BL or inside the template):

Μήνυμα Λάθους
Exception Icon

System Error

Database Query Error

ErrorNo: 1030, Message:Database error while executing: 'SELECT r.*
FROM xar_roles r, xar_rolemembers rm
WHERE r.xar_uid = rm.xar_parentid
AND rm.xar_uid = 2'; error description is: 'Got error 24 "Too many open files" from storage engine MyISAM'.


A database query could not be executed, either because the query could not be understood or because it returned unexpected results.

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